A Programming Journey with Josh

  • The Importance of Security Testing

    Link to blog: https://www.computer.org/publications/tech-news/trends/application-security-testing The whole semester we have been exploring various ways of testing code, namely styles that ensure the code works as it should. However, there is another aspect of testing we have not discussed yet; security testing.  It is of the utmost importance to ensure that your software, database, website, etc. is…

  • Beginning JavaScript Testing with Mocha

    Link to blog: https://medium.com/swlh/intro-to-javascript-testing-with-mocha-1366dad9b973 For the next (and last) couple weeks of class, we are required to create our own in-class activity as if other students were going to use it. We were tasked with choosing something different than we have done already, so my group decided on testing JavaScript programs with the Mocha framework.…

  • Potential Mistakes when Working with Test-Driven Development

    Based on this article by Denis Kranjcec: How I failed at Test-Driven Development and what it took to get it right For the past couple weeks, Test-Driven Development has been the focus of our learning. We’ve done a small project in class creating a simple rover instruction program, which built our confidence and knowledge on…

  • Why is Test Driven Development So Good

    Article: https://www.thoughtworks.com/en-us/insights/blog/test-driven-development-best-thing-has-happened-software-design Last class, we got some hands-on experience with using Test Driven Development. These concepts always feel more concrete and understandable when actually working with them  yourself, rather than only reading articles or looking at examples. I’ve since gotten the hang of this method of development, and wanted to look into how it compares…

  • A Deeper Dive into Mocking

    In class, we began learning about the use of mocking in software testing. After doing an activity, I realized I only slightly understood the purpose of it. So, I decided to investigate, which is when I found The Art of Mocking by Gil Zilberfeld and Dror Helper. The article begins by giving an introduction to…

  • Testing Paths

    https://web.dev/articles/ta-test-cases Last week, we tracked the path a program would take using program graphs. The program graph is good to represent the overall structure of a program; it shows all the ways the code can go.  Afterwards, I wondered about the other types of paths a program could take, whether it be the best case,…

  • Boundary Software Testing

    https://www.testbytes.net/blog/boundary-value-analysis This past week we began understanding and practicing boundary value testing using simple programs and, of course, simple tests. This blog post discusses that same topic, and gives multiple real life-scenarios and dives deep into the subject. Although it is not a super difficult subject to grasp (in my opinion), I feel this is…

  • Software Testing Terms – Can you list them all?

    link to blog at the end: Have you ever heard a word or phrase that you feel like you should understand but you just don’t? It’s happened to many people, and I’m sure it is not uncommon in the software industry. Certain software terms are either confusing or unknown, which is perfectly understandable! Chris Kenst’s…

  • Another Introduction!

    Hi everyone! My name is Josh and the use of this blog going forward will be to discuss topics we are covering in my Software Quality Assurance & Testing class. I hope to discover and learn new things and share them with you here. Have a great day!

  • The Importance of Clean Code

    Ever struggle to read another developer’s code? Code should be easy to follow along with, especially for a reader entirely new to the codebase. However, sometimes developers write “spaghetti code”, with random variables or methods mixed together in a non-understandable manner.  Gary Espinosa of Reflectoring.io believes that clean code is the best code, and it’s…

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